Friday 20 July 2012

Chris Meeks and Marian Sheraidah braved Hertford Heath Fete on July 15 without the protection of a gazebo!  They were selling carvings, jewellery and other Gambian crafts.

Thursday 12 July 2012


Our stall at Braughing's famous Wheelbarrow Race raised £160.

Abbie and Saffren ran a stall at Hormead School's fete near Buntingford, raising £117.

Heavy rain combined with timing issues meant poor attendance at the Ware Week celebrations.  Crowds which had gathered to watch the Olympic Torch relay come through the town headed for cover as the downpours came, affecting the numbers of people who gathered to watch Ware Carnival and visit stalls in Priory Park afterwards.  This was our first joint venture with Dominoes Pizza who were disappointed with the poor results and low sales.  


Christopher Richardson went ahead with his public sponsored leg-waxing and has collected around £100 so far for his pains.  You can watch a video of his ordeal on Margaret's Facebook page.


Tickets for the dinner at the Red Lion this Saturday, July 14 are completely sold out and we have a waiting list!  Plans are already in hand for a similar dinner later in the year.  If you missed out this time, book early next time!